IELTS Speaking Part 1: Concentration

IELTS Speaking Part 1: Concentration 1.What helps you concentrate when you are studying or working on a task?  I concentrate on my studies or tasks by eliminating distractions for that particular time. The other thing I do to concentrate is often drink coffee to stay alert.  2.Do you prefer to work in a quiet environment … Read more

Describe an interesting conversation you had with a very old person IELTS Cue Card

Describe an interesting conversation you had with a very old person IELTS Cue Card IELTS CUE CARD Describe an interesting conversation you had with a very old person Sample 1  An interesting conversation I had with a significantly older adult. She is a professor at my college. Her name is Dr. Reena Jairus. I had … Read more

Describe a long-term goal you would like to achieve IELTS Cue Card

Describe a long-term goal you would like to achieve IELTS Cue Card IELTS CUE CARD TOPIC Describe a long-term goal you would like to achieve You should say: Sample 1  I have a lot of goals on my bucket list which I want to achieve in my life. I want to talk about a sweet shop … Read more

Describe something you do regularly that helps you work and study better IELTS Cue Card

Describe something you do regularly that helps you work and study better IELTS Cue Card IELTS CUE CARD TOPIC Describe something you do regularly that helps you work and study betterYou should say: Sample 1 Something that regularly helps me work and study better is I work out every day. I usually go to the gym … Read more

Describe a useful object in your home that you can’t live without IELTS Cue Card

Describe a useful object in your home that you can’t live without IELTS Cue Card IELTS CUE CARD TOPIC Describe a useful object in your home that you can’t live withoutYou should say: Sample 1 A helpful object in my home that I can’t live without is a washing machine. We use it every second day; if not, … Read more

IELTS Speaking Part 1:Decoration

IELTS Speaking Part 1:Decoration 1. What is the decoration like in your home?  We have decorated my home with small saplings all around. The place is green because we have planted many trees and plants in our home. Otherwise, coming to the indoors, the indoors have a very bohemian vibe to them with light curtains and … Read more