IELTS Speaking Part 1: Science Classes
Do you think science classes are necessary?
Yes, science classes are necessary for everybody at every age group because science is such a subject that is reality-based and fundamental to everything and anything in this world.
What is your favourite science subject?
My favourite science subject is biology, and I enjoy studying biology, especially when it comes to human and animal biology.
In your opinion, what scientific discovery or invention has had the most significant impact on society?
The discovery of penicillin has played a vital role in discovering various antibiotics. It was fate at that time, and penicillin was discovered by chance. But somehow, the penicillin drug has many adverse effects. But that was the prime antibiotic discovered, leading to many other antibiotics. In World War One, many people died not because of bullets but because of infections because penicillin was not there, and the same was not the case with World War Two.
How do you think advancements in technology will shape the future of scientific research?
Advancements in technology and research go hand in hand. As technology advances, it makes it easier for humans to explore the domain we have yet to explore. And that comes with technical support along with sharp minds.
Describe a recent scientific breakthrough that you find particularly fascinating and its potential implications.
A recent scientific breakthrough is the discovery of a gene responsible for muscular dystrophy. So, in recent times, various articles have been published about this disease. Before this discovery, it was thought that muscular dystrophy was due to some immunological deficiency or due to some socioeconomic status or the gender of the person because it is dominant in males. But in recent times, they have found out that there is a gene that is responsible for that. Due to this discovery, they can now treat and are working on the treatment by correcting the gene abnormality at a cellular level.
What role do you think ethics should play in scientific research and experimentation?
Ethics plays a very important role in scientific experimentation because experiments come on humans, and experiments and trials are done on animals. Some ethical considerations should be taken care of while planning the trials so they don’t disturb the ecosystem. And it should not harm any species of living.
How can we better communicate scientific findings and concepts to the general public?
We can explain the scientific findings and the concepts to the general public by conditioning them in a certain way so that they understand the technical things. We can introduce subjects like research and medical or science technology to students at the school level. The published articles and papers can be translated into local languages so that major world populations can read them. Also, when it comes to awareness, there can be awareness campaigns, various conferences, and workshops that can be held. Also, people can describe their articles and research to illiterate people using audiovisual aids.
Do you believe that there is life on other planets?
No, I don’t believe there is life on other planets because oxygen, water, and air must be present for life to be on other planets. So, there isn’t much evidence that these three things are found on any other planet.
In your opinion, what is the most interesting unanswered question in science today?
The most interesting unanswered question is mostly used as many people laugh at the question, but the question is framed as what came first, the egg or the chicken, the hen or the egg. But this has a very deep meaning to it that various species we have found on Earth, but people and scientists are still uncertain. There are many studies and published articles about this. Still, people need to take the challenge and put enough stress on their opinion about the existence and existence of living and how it flourished.