Describe a time you successfully did something difficult IELTS Cue Card
Describe a time you successfully did something difficult
You should say:
- When it was
- What you did
- Where it happened
- Explain how you felt about it
Sample 1
Generally, for example, if I have to take an exam, I will take some caffeine, mainly coffee, to increase my attention span.
. As a student council head, I organized the Republic Day celebration at my college, but none of my council members could attend or help me manage that.
The event was held in my college on 26th January this year, and the event was organized on a grand stage outside the college but in the campus area. Organizing that celebration or the event was difficult because I needed someone from my class or the council to help.
I could take care of things at many levels, from lights to sounds, then from checking on the MC and arranging all the performances. There was also a prize distribution at that event, so I had to take care of the ushers and all the prizes and certificates.
I also cared for the chief guest, the dignitaries, and their refreshments. It was also successful, and my college has always cultivated a sense of multitasking and responsible behaviour in me, along with burdens and responsibilities.
I was able to go through it, and that was all because I have done that before, and I think with that much pressure at that particular moment, I have sailed through, and I got better, and I think I will be able to face further challenges in my life.
Sample 2
I have faced many difficulties related to something, but I started with something difficult, and I got success in getting some good results in my life; one of them was exceptional, and hence worth mentioning. It was a time when I was in Singapore four years ago.
At that time, I reduced my phobia of public speaking because, in my company, we had to get together with all branches of our company. So on that day, we had an annual function for the people who got prizes and awards, who did a good job related to their job, and I also got the best employee of the year award at this annual function.
My employers called me onto the stage and asked me to talk about myself and my experience in their company. I was timid when I started my speech, but they requested that I speak about their company.
Then I started with some fumbling because I had to give the speech in English, so it was very hard for me because it was my first time speaking in English.
After I started, I gained confidence and gave my speech well. After my speech, I saw everybody clapping and praising me, and then I got motivation and appreciation from my employees, colleagues, and employers.
So, I was thrilled at that time because I reduced my phobia related to speaking in public places.
Sample 3
There are many difficult times in my life that I have faced successfully, but I will tell you about one situation that happened to me when I was travelling to Leh Ladakh. In that situation, my car got punctured at night, so it was tough to handle this situation because I did not have any tools.
I was scared because I was travelling with my family, and it was tough to cope whenever I was with them. Hence, it happened on the Leh Manali highway, and there was no traffic at night, and it was around two a. m. at night.
So I was a bit scared of that thing, but one truck driver came like a god, and he helped me change my spare tyre. He was very kind, taking around one hour to change my tyre, and helped me perform all the activities.
I completed my tasks and could go to Leh for a night stay. People should always keep their tools in their cars and avoid night driving because it also causes many accidents, and you get stuck in the trap of miscreants.
Sample 3
I am talking about one of the holy festivals of the Hindu religion, which is called Mahashivratri, which happens in August. Devotees of Lord Shiva performed two devotees to Lord Shiva in Kawad Yatra. It was when my circle of three friends and I decided to go to Haridwar to bring the holy water of the Ganga River.
We covered a distance of 90 kilometres from Haridwar to Muzzafar Nagar, my hometown, and we decided to run non-stop for 30 kilometres per person. It was challenging for my friends and me, and we could not do it in one go. Still, we achieved it.
We brought water from the Ganga to the nearest temple to my house. It was a great experience and shocking because it was 30 kilometres non-stop; I never felt I could do it in my life.
What kind of jobs require people to be confident?
In jobs where the person is responsible for managerial roles, the manager, leader, or authoritative person should be very confident to gain the confidence of their employees.
On what occasions should children be encouraged, and how?
If children talk about their dreams, even if they are unrealistic or not very close to reality, they should be motivated and given a reality check to reinforce their thoughts or dreams positively.
How do you help children stay focused?
We can help children stay focused by cultivating the habit of concentrating because focus is not momentary. It needs to be enabled in the child. That can be done by making them play brain-triggering activities or indulging in team sports.
What challenges do young people face today?
Young people today face challenges when it comes to having a lot of distractions. Yes, as technology advances, there are many new gadgets and distractions. Children face distractions and cannot study or focus, which they are supposed to do at that time.
Can you describe a time when you faced a difficult challenge or task? How did you approach it, and what was the outcome?
A difficult challenge I faced was losing my job due to the coronavirus pandemic and having to do various tasks without money and to approach it. I dug deep, and based on my skill set, I tried to find a job; although I didn’t get a job, I got freelance work, and from that, I got a lot of money.
How do you stay motivated and focused when tackling difficult tasks or projects?
To remain motivated during difficult times, I talk to myself and read aloud that whatever my troubles are, they are temporary, and these too shall pass, so good times will come again.
How do you handle feelings of frustration or discouragement when faced with a difficult situation?
The experience I had during difficult situations in the past has always encouraged me to handle difficult situations adroitly.
How do you usually approach tasks or challenges that you find tricky?
It’s not very often I get challenges in my life. Still, sometimes, like in a year, one or two times, if I face a difficult challenge and I want to decrease my, face my challenge with my confidence and experience, and I will get an excellent result from these challenges.
What do you think are the benefits of facing and overcoming challenging situations?
People have a lot of benefits when they face challenges and difficult situations in their lives. First, they get a good experience because they start with nervousness. If they succeed in getting it done with better results, then they are motivated through it, and in the future, they want to face these types of challenges to achieve more success in their life.
Can you think of a difficult decision you had to make recently?
A difficult decision I had to make recently was to study or enjoy during my holidays because I had a lot of holidays and everybody around me was enjoying it. Still, I had an exam, so I made this difficult decision and decided to study instead of enjoy it.
Have you ever achieved something you initially thought was impossible?
Yes, of course, I went to Singapore before I came to Canada. At that time, I didn’t make any effort to get a job there because just had one of my friends told me you have to apply there, and I got an interview call from my company.
At that time, I didn’t think I would get a selector in that particular company, but I was thrilled when they told me you had cleared your interview and were invited to join our company the next month.
What advice would you give someone facing a tough challenge?
I suggest some tips to people facing difficult situations or challenges in their lives because if they want to reduce their phobia or difficulty related to a particular topic, they should face these situations. After all, if they don’t, they don’t. Then, they need to learn how to resolve it and what solution they can use to solve that situation.
Have you ever faced a difficult situation where you had to seek help or advice from others?
Yes, sometimes I also face difficulties related to my work or my studies. Then, I had to take advice from my parents and my husband. They are the ones who always guide me through difficult decisions that I cannot make myself.
What can people do to remain confident in their jobs?
If people have enough knowledge about their work, they will have good experience related to their job, and they will be motivated to do their best to achieve success. They achieve success related to their work or job.
How can we encourage children to face challenges?
Children always copy their elders, so we have to set an example in front of the children if we face many problems. We manage them well, and then the children follow us. Sometimes, we have to guide them better, and then they should also understand how to overcome the challenges in their lives.